I have a friend named Leslie who wanted to be a dentist ever since she was a kid. After graduation from high school, she entered college and earned a Bachelor degree in biology. Immediately upon receiving her first degree, Leslie enrolled in graduate school where she earned a Master of Science in biology. Prior to going to medical school and taking the final step toward fulfilling her lifetime dream of becoming a dentist, she decided to job shadow a few dentists. She felt this would not only give her a sense of what she would be doing day to day in her profession, but it would also give her an opportunity to network and possibly establish some contacts in the field. She found a dental practice which allowed her to come in and observe procedures being performed on patients.
Leslie arrived at the dentist office ecstatic about the opportunity to be on the opposite end of the dentist chair for a change. The first patient who came in that morning was a little old lady having all her teeth pulled for denture fitting. When my friend saw the lady’s teeth being extracted from the gums, she began to get dizzy. Moments later, she fell flat on her back having fainted from this horrific sight. When she woke up, guess what she decided not to be??? You guessed it…a dentist! After spending six years studying biology and $100,000 in tuition, room and board, books, fees, and other expenses, she decided not to become a dentist.
Now, the rest of the $tory…
Before you begin to feel sorry for Leslie, you might want to hear what happened next. Her six years of studying biology were not all in vain. It turned out that a pharmaceutical company was looking for a marketing representative with a background in biology. Since fainting in the dentist office, she had been working as a sales representative in a completely different industry. Upon learning a background in biology and some sales experience would give her an advantage over other applicants, she sent in her resume for a pharmaceutical sales representative position. A few interviews and personal references later, she got the JOB!
On her first day on the job, the pharmaceutical company drove her to the Volvo dealership and purchased a new Volvo for her. She uses the car to drive around visiting doctors’ offices, educating physicians on the pharmaceuticals her company manufactures. Due to her efforts, she receives four bonuses per year averaging $40,000 each! $40,000 is more than most people make in a year. Leslie makes $40,000 x 4 in bonuses, and this doesn’t include her salary, the Volvo, gasoline and expense accounts. The company also flies her and a friend to Hawaii every year to celebrate her success.
Do you ever wonder how you get a job like this? What do you think is needed in order to land this type of career?
The first thing that comes to mind for most students is education, but is education all that is required to ensure jobs? We have nearly 16 million students in college right now in America. Will there be enough positions to employ these students as they graduate? According to an article at cnn.money.com, 85% of current college graduates are moving back in with their parents after graduation, labeling them the BOOMERANG GENERATION! You know what a boomerang does when you throw it? It comes right back. This is what is happening to many graduates after college. In order to land a sweet job like Leslie, it takes more than education…
…It takes skills to compete in the 21st Century!
The great news: We all possess a set of skills that can be marketed to potential employers and clients. It’s a matter of uncovering these skills, bringing them to the surface, then cultivating and developing them. While there are a host of different skills that people possess, there are seven in particular that are extremely valuable and vital to your success. Many people refer to them as soft skills or behavioral competencies. Developed, they can lead to substantial career, financial and personal success.
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join today!"Been to this Career Tech Conference every year since 1996 - Best presenter/speaker I have ever heard. Thank you"
“Your blend of humor and message was spot on! More than 100 attendees cited your presentation as the best conference keynote they had witnessed.”
Brooks Harper energized the crowd at the South Carolina Career and Technology Education Conference with his Keynote message of Why Should We Hire Your Students? Brooks kept approximately 1400 conference participants on the edge of their seats during his entire presentation. His humor along with his straight-forward and common sense Read more...
Brooks spoke at our annual state conference for School Counselors. He was a fantastic speaker and had the whole room laughing throughout his presentation. He was relevant, energetic and inspirational.
You were everything Family and Consumer Science Teachers enjoy in a keynote and session presenter!
As Vice President and Chair of the SC TRiO State conference committee, I want to thank you for the amazing job you did as our opening speaker at this past year's conference in March down in Charleston. Please keep up the great work!
If you get the opportunity to see this guy speak or bring him to your school for your students, you better take advantage of it. He was awesome!
Brooks Harper was an amazing, dynamic and engaging presenter. I hope to have him back here again and again.
Brooks Harper is an excellent speaker for educators, students and adults. His real life stories, tips and techniques are right on target with what today's hiring professionals are looking for. I encourage anyone wanting to promote career readiness, job seeking and interview skills to work with him. You will not Read more...
Brooks' presentation to the Freshman Academy students at LDHS was totally awesome! I am so grateful to him for reiterating important values and skills our students need to be successful citizens. The students and staff thoroughly enjoyed his one on one follow up sessions in the classrooms after the assembly; Read more...
Brooks Harper is fantastic! He is caring, genuine and our students responded to him. If our students take just half of this information to heart, they will be successful."
Brooks Harper captures the room from the minute he hits the podium … his enthusiasm, energy and words of wisdom registered equally with not only the students but also their parents and other adult guests.
One of the best Keynotes I have ever attended!
I wanted to say thanks for such an excellent presentation yesterday. We had 175 college and high school teachers in attendance. I received nothing but positive comments about your message. They thoroughly enjoyed your entertaining approach to soft skills.
Brooks Harper is dynamic, engaging and his suggestions were right on target.
Brooks Harper is entertaining, down-to-earth and a very insightful speaker to listen to!
What a phenomenal job Brooks did at the 2016 NC FBLA State Leadership Conference! His keynote was on the Mark!
Our Staff loved you! Thank you so much for helping us kick off the school year.
After hearing Brooks one time I was hooked on what he delivers to our teachers and our students across the state of North Carolina. I highly recommend what he does!
Brooks shared such a powerful message with our 8th grade students. He was able to engage, excite, and motivate in a way that I have never seen before. I had students begging for his book.
I felt the spark. I'm ready to go back to my class and start a wildfire!
After 20 years of conferences, this was the most relevant!
Awesome presentation - I would love to hear it all over again.
This is one of the most energetic, passionate, engaging and relevant keynote presentations I've ever heard!